Thursday, November 28, 2019

Basic elements of social fields Essays - Third Portuguese Republic

Basic elements of social fields RESUMEN: El presente trabajo revisa algunos elementos bsicos de la teora de los campos sociales, destacando su profunda ligazn con el estudio de la teora poltica y los Derechos fundamentales. El autor intenta explicar de la forma ms clara posible dentro de su propia complejidad, la teora de Pierre BOURDIEU. Tras ahondar en el concepto de campos sociales; los elementos fundamentales de la teora; las relaciones entre campo social, capital y sujetos; y, la autonoma relativa de los campos; fi nalmente, como un pretexto para aplicar la teora de los campos sociales, se refl exiona acerca de la reforma a la calidad de la educacin chilena. ABSTRACT: The present work checks some basic elements of the social fi elds theory, emphasizing its deep attachment with the study of the political theory and the fundamental rights. The author tries to explain as clear as possible inside its own complexity, Pierre BOURDIEU s theory. After explain the concept of social fi elds; the fundamental elements of the theory; the relations between social fi eld, capital and subjects; and, the fi elds relative autonomy; fi nally, as a pretext to apply the the social fi elds theory, the author thinks over the reform of the Chilean education quality. PALABRAS CLAVE: Instituciones Polticas - Derechos Fundamentales - Sociologa del Derecho - Campos Sociales Pierre BOURDIEU KEY WORDS: Political institutions - Fundamental rights Legal Sociology - Social Fields - Pierre BOURDIEU I. INTRODUCCIN En trminos simples, una teora es un conjunto ordenado de ideas que describen un objeto de estudio determinado y su funcionamiento. El valor de las teoras depende del nivel con que nos permite comprender y explicarnos los fenmenos de la naturaleza y de la sociedad. Ellas perviven, siguiendo el anlisis de Thomas S. KUHN sobre las revoluciones cientfi cas, hasta que son reemplazadas por una propuesta ms satisfactoria que es adoptada por la comunidad. Durante el ltimo tiempo ha gozado de muy buena salud en el mbito de la sociologa la propuesta diseada por el francs Pierre BOURDIEU, especialmente aquella parte de su obra referida a los campos sociales. Por los diversos motivos que se tendr oportunidad de apreciar en el desarrollo de este trabajo, la teora de los campos sociales ofrece un modelo de anlisis sumamente til para comprender las relaciones de poder al interior de la sociedad, la dinmica de funcionamiento de diversos sectores 211 ARS BONI ET AEQUI (AO 7 NO 1): PP. 209 - 219 aparentemente muy distintos entre s y algunos elementos que el Estado social y democrtico de Derecho debe tener a la vista al momento de realizar las tareas que le son propias, especialmente en la promocin y defensa de los derechos fundamentales. Debido a ello, en este breve trabajo hemos emprendido la tarea de rescatar algunos de los elementos bsicos de la teora de los campos sociales, destacando su profunda ligazn con el estudio de la teora poltica y los Derechos fundamentales, intentado explicarlos de la forma ms clara posible dentro de su propia complejidad. Advertimos al lector que este se trata de un texto escrito por un hombre de Derecho destinado a actuales y futuros hombres y mujeres de Derecho. Por lo tanto, en este trabajo ser sumamente fcil para un especialista en Ciencias Sociales detectar algunas fallas, imprecisiones e incluso excesivas simplifi caciones. Pido desde ya las excusas del caso en atencin a la fi nalidad ya declarada. Dicho lo anterior, solamente resta sealar que este se trata de un trabajo descriptivo, por lo que no cabe la generacin de conclusiones. Sin embargo, con el afn pedaggico que nos inspira el fi nal del texto se incluye un brevsimo anlisis en el cual se pretende ilustrar la aplicacin de esta teora a situaciones de relevancia poltica y jurdica. II. EL CONCEPTO DE CAMPOS SOCIALES En la teora de BOURDIEU se defi ne a los campos sociales como: espacios de juego histricamente constituidos por sus instituciones especfi cas y sus leyes de funcionamiento propias.1 Para el socilogo francs la sociedad puede ser concebida como un espacio diferenciado de posiciones sociales en el que las relaciones entre estas posiciones constituyen el ncleo de lo que es propiamente social.2 Es decir, la actividad propia de la vida en sociedad se defi ne por las relaciones entre entes que se distinguen entre s por la posesin de diferentes bienes y valores que los sitan en distintas posiciones, las que, a su vez, permiten y defi nen las relaciones entre ellos. Luego, los campos sociales son espacios identifi cables en donde ocurren tipos especfi cos de relaciones entre sujetos, siendo posible analizar estas

Monday, November 25, 2019

Thomas Paines Common Sense essays

Thomas Paine's Common Sense essays The outspoken Thomas Paine was born on January 29, 1737. He was a corset maker, an exciseman, and a schoolteacher. He printed many pamphlets during his lifetime including his most popular pamphlet Common Sense. Paine was unhappy with the way Britain was treating America before, during, and after the Civil War. In Common Sense, Thomas Paine argues that America should be independent from Britain for social, political, and economic reasons. For social reasons, Paine argues that the colonists will continue to be mistreated if they continue to be connected with Britain. He states that the colonies only relate to each other through Britain, this creates enemies with France and Spain. If America were not connected to Britain, the people of Spain and France would have helped America fight against Britain. The colonists left Britain because of the government, and that same government rules them while they lived in America. Not even one third of the inhabitants of America were English, therefore America should not be under British rule. Britain should not have been called the parent or mother country because it was false, selfish, narrow, and ungenerous. Dependence on Britain leads America into European wars and quarrels and set variance with nations who would otherwise seek Americas friendship. America should be employed, but it cannot be while under British rule and it causes America misfortune. Paine has many political reasons for America to disconnect itself from Britain. He believes that Britain does not protect America from Americas enemies, but protects Britain from their own enemies on their own accounts, in order to gain more money. He says how inconvenient it is to be ruled by a power that is so far from America. For example, they have to wait months to a response from Britain, and then months more for an explanation from Britain. Paine thinks that Britain is ignorant to America, and if Britain cannot ...

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Quantitative report Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words - 1

Quantitative report - Essay Example In spite of the fact that Brisbane is a state capital, the historical background of the area states that it’s no lesser than a large town of the country located on the northern parts of Australia. Earlier the place was known for its parochialism in the social and political contexts. However in the late 80’s, after the retirement of Bjelke-Petersen, Brisbane walked on the path of modernization. Today the place is known to have a growing metropolitan ambience with developing industries and a promising cultural environment, accompanied by congestion and a developing property market. Motivation Factors to Attend Event In order to explore the true motivation of people for attending the musical event held in Brisbane, a close ended sample questionnaire was circulated randomly to approximately 100 people that had attended the event. The questionnaire was constructed so as to reflect practical cause that motivates an individual to attend such event. The responses of people were provided as input to statistical analysis and it was found that the three most motivating factors for tourists’ to such events are Known-group socialization, Cultural experience and Intention. These results are derived from t-test result values where the p-values of these variables were found to be very low implying high confidence level and reliability. On the other hand, the primary festival motivation for most musical events consist of various factors like raising funds, spreading a message, promotion of a campaign, competition, and so on. At the same time the audiences attends the event with several motives like enjoyment (Intention), getting the company of friends (Socialization), having a preference for the performer or simply because they love music (Culture). Thus, it is obvious that a place as urbanized as Brisbane would attract a lot of tourist. Yet the geographical location of the place causes much hindrance for people to reach Brisbane since it’s situated in the remote parts of Australia. As a result the bands that perform here do not find a motivating group of audience. In this context Joel Saunders of the â€Å"Ambitious Lovers† group states, â€Å"They don’t come up here because they don’t get good turn-outs. Had they come up here in the prime time of [venue] 610 and stuff, there just would have been kids there for no reason, which would have just turned up there (Interview 1 May 2008)† (Rogers, 2008). The local bands of Brisbane however manage to gather a small number of audiences which remains highly dependent on the venue and day of the concert. It was noted by Griffin that the modern era of globalization is drawing the audiences from their local boundaries and placing them in a global arena where the various constraints are easily overcome (Brennan, 2007). Research Question On this basis three research questions can be framed- 1. How the demographic profile of the audience can affect their motive to wards attending the musical event? The sample questionnaire was circulated among 100 randomly selected individuals and when their responses were analyzed it was found that the main demographic profile for attending music event in Brisbane consists of people with age-group of 18 to 30 years. The result of statistical analysis shows that about 46 people out of 100 are in that age-group which is further dominated by females. This is because 52% of this 46 people in that age-grou

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Advertising for SONY Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Advertising for SONY - Essay Example Sony Company is an electronic and communications manufacturer. It is based in Tokyo Japan and recorded revenue of eighty eight billion dollars during the year 2008. The company offers a variety of products such as video game merchandises video items for consumption, IT products, electronics and communication devicesThese commodities are produced under the following five categories; entertainment, electronics, games and financial services. Its business operations are Sony Financial Holdings, Sony Ericsson, Sony BMG Music Entertainment, Sony Computer Entertainment and Sony Electronics. (Howard, 2000)One element that makes Sony stand out in the industry is its originality. The company has created standards for their products as depicted in the Betamax system of video recorders. Besides innovation, Sony is a multinational corporation. This gives the company access to a large pool of clients thus complementing sales in one country with those in another. (Collett, 1999)The Sony marketing d epartment seems to be getting on the wrong side of the moral divide as they have been criticised by some media critics. This was brought up by the controversial advertisements that the company has aired. One such example was with regard to a racially charged advertisement. In addition, Sony Company failed to comply with marketing ethics by hiring a marketing critic to praise the performance of their commodities. However, this did not fare well with the real marketing critics. All these bad marketing decisions have tainted the Sony name. Sony's management has been overwhelmed by the technological changes characteristic of the electronic and IT industry. Consequently, the company has had to fire a substantial number of employees who were not familiar with new production technologies and replaced them with a fresh batch. This move has met a lot of criticism from consumers. As matter of fact, some people attribute the company's declining quality in some of its products to this issue. (Collett, 1999) Opportunities The company needs to invest in its employees. High employee turnover is hurting the company's corporate social responsibility image. On top of that, the company is compromising on the quality of the products by frequently firing their employees. The new employees who join the company may not be familiar with some of the production process. In order to curb this problem, the Sony should train its employee regularly in order to prevent these problems. Threats Sony' major threat is being out-competed by its counterpart due to a failure to adapt to technology adequately. This was seen when Sony used Immersion Company's technology to create their play station 3 video game units. The company was forced to pay royalties to Immersion for doing this. Such kinds of approaches to technologies will harm the company in the future; instead, the company should focus on developing their own formats. (Collett, 1999) Review of advertising brand and competitors The adverting brand under consideration is the new online game division for Sony. Sony has a strong brand name that has placed it above other competitors such as JVC. The company dedicated a lot of time trying to come up with the most appropriate name for their products. There are many reasons why this name made a mark for the company. First of all, it is easy to pronounce; many Japan-based companies may settle for difficult names that make it difficult for international consumers to relate to. Additionally, the brand name is easy to remember as very few companies out there have such a name. On top of that, it has the ability to attract people who may not be as well versed with technology as others. Many electronic manufacturers use acronyms instead of full names from their brands thus repelling non-technical consumers. (Howard, 2000

Monday, November 18, 2019

Risk Management in supply chain management Essay

Risk Management in supply chain management - Essay Example Some of the salient features that define the organizational attributes in modern times are reduced inventories, effect supplies, staggeringly reduced cycle times, effective transportation mechanisms, further enhanced communication means both outside and inside the organization and factory. These all have been in practice in many organizations and are another name for successful supply chain management. Supply chain management is termed as chain and structure that defines all important elements of the process which contribute towards the output. In other words all the stake holders who have an impact in either way constitute a supply chain. It can be the transportation, can be the personnel, can be the policy, can be the objectives and can various other variables (Mentzer, 2011). The risks so faced can have various severe negative repercussions on the industry. It can lead to a financial loss, it can lead to mistrust, it can further lead to loss of contracts in severe cases, and most importantly could lead to losing the customers who are considered as the pivot towards the success or failure of any organization since their response and liking level of a certain industry can take any industry either way. Supply chain impacts rest of the industry activities in a direct manner. Supply chain risks identification and ultimately elimination and mitigation can result in better working environment, improved productivity, reduced un certainty, and various other factors that are non beneficial towards the organization. The entire risk phenomena can be split into four components which are: The Risk Sources: Supply Chain Itself: Risk mitigation Strategies: Adverse effects of Risks: Supply chain itself Risk Mitigation Strategies These are the four basic units which constitute a total discipline and each of these must be taken into consideration (Juttner, Peck, & Christopher, 2003). The relationship works in a dependent manner, the first is the source of risk, which falls und er the initial phase, and its identification is very vital. This is followed by its adverse affects, and underneath it is the supply chain itself that is faced by the challenges and risks. Finally, the most important factor is the constitution of risk mitigation strategies, which could be prior to the occurrence of event or post event, however risk mitigation strategies are more successful and of more impact if implemented prior to the occurrence. The strategies so made must be able to work in a preemptive manner and should work on the principle of prevention rather than correction. Risks could be either from internal sources, or the external sources, or the organization itself. The last couple of decades saw many events that made all the stakeholders realize that risk management in the field of supply chain has become inevitable and proper actions must be taken to minimize its impact. For this purpose, it has been largely implemented at various organizations of large, medium and sm all sizes, and more emphasis is being laid on its implementation at every level of industry. For this reason, a more systemic and structured approach is in practice internationally which ensures covering all the areas of that are necessary to be addressed. Level of

Friday, November 15, 2019

Has Fitness Plus Reached Its Capacity Commerce Essay

Has Fitness Plus Reached Its Capacity Commerce Essay Fitness Initial stands out as the most substantial independently owned or operated fitness center business across the world with much more than 540 branches globally achieving much more than 1.4 million normal members throughout 19 nations. Within the united kingdom solely youll discover 161 clubs of Fitness Initial with much more than 425,000 members. Within the year of 2005, organization ended up being bought by Partners of BC Partners, an EU non-public equity group of businesses. Within the country like Australia, Fitness Initial acquired much more than a wide selection of Residing Well Lady locations really owned and operated by Hilton Group. Additionally, It made the acquisition of chain of healthclubes, 11-gym Healthland and right now possess in excess of eighty fitness centers throughout Australia. Its behind the worldwide International Fitness Week campaign to encourage much more individuals to discover what fitness regime works for them. The campaign uses former Spice Girl Mel B as the face of International Fitness Week Subsequent consist of the unique routines supplied by Fitness Plus, within their own possible : Fitness Routines à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Exercise region à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Free excercise weights à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Training region à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Cardiovascular workout room (9 stair steppers, 6 treadmills, 6 life-cycle bikes, three airdyne bikes, 2 cross-aerobics machines, 2 rowing machines, and 1 climber) Recreation Activities à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Racquetball (8 courts) à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Tennis (6 courts) à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Outdoor pool à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ City sports teams (softball, volleyball, and swim teams) Relaxation Activities à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Yoga classes (2/week in aerobics room) à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Whirlpool tubs (1/locker room) à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Trained massage therapist Hours of Operation Monday via Thursday 6:30 a.m. to 11:00 p.m. Friday and Saturday 6:30 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. Sunday 12:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. Capacity Presumptions Concentrate to the possible choice will most likely be about a couple of aspects of client issues: exercise, cardio exercise, also as nautilus areas. Restrictions ought to be positioned on utilisation on these locations simply because of maximum customer desire, as represented here. This provides a way of measuring in number of members utilizing the health club per hour with regard to capacity scheduling. A essential component of total capacity organising for this case would be to observe that the maximum demand is really about 3 hours each day. Furthermore, a issue that creates capacity organizing much more complex tends to be that a single member will use all of these region which are extremely demanded, and could make use of an region much more frequently than once. Maximum Demand The maximum demand details are supplied on the purpose of looking at trouble spots also as maximum usage of particular precise regions of this facility. à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Exercise = 35 members per hour in a 1 class. We tend to believe that hardly any members is going to finish a number of exercises class. à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Cardio exercise = 58 members per hour in which the machines are tied to half an hour for every member simply because you will find 29 machines. Nevertheless, observe that a single member could use a number of machine, which tends to make the maximum demand capacity organizing much more complex. à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Nautilus = 48 member per hour, lets assume that region is not unfilled at the begin of the maximum demand, the users of the health club move at stable rate and in pattern, 24 machine are utilized by members which is in timeframe is use of 1 minute per machine, a couple of hanging around and activity among areas. We have to make supposition that generally completely no member uses any piece of machines ; on the other hand, a member may make use of a handful of pieces and come correct out of the sequence. Assessment So it appears apparant that club areas of aerobics, cardiovascular, and nautilus could effortlessly accommodate peak demand, if the room limitations are adhered-to utilizing employee monitoring. But you will find complaints. The suspected reason for this is that members use much more than 1 region of the club. Moreover, its likely that members visiting much more than 1 region throughout their workout heavily use the aerobics, cardiovascular, and nautilus areas. Numerous members might also workout for much more than 1 hour. Measurement Technique The issue identified is capacity, and being that Fitness Plus is really a flexible flow procedure, i.e., members select their own workouts, input measures are being utilized. At the present time and with the present flow of members, Fitness Plus has big periods of operating near peak capacity in multiple areas. This is causing flow problems, such as bottlenecking within the much more well-liked workout areas. Members are utilizing much more than 1 region of the fitness center throughout every go to, but theres a lack of information to depict actual usage of these areas. For instance, we know that approximately 80 mph enter the fitness center throughout our 3 peak hours, but we dont know which areas the members go to specifically. As a result, the fitness center intends to measure use of the 3 issue areas (aerobics, cardio, nautilus) throughout the peak three-hour period. Members will utilize their membership card to enter and leave all areas of the center. The average utilization of every region will probably be computed and also the outcomes will probably be depicted in a chart, like the attached example Figure three. This will show actual usage throughout peak hours of the fitness center. Measurement ought to be over a fairly short time period since member complaints have recently increased. Some action is required within the short-term. Key Indicators Particular key indicators have been identified based on case info, which outcomes in a capacity forecast approach. Indicators consist of: à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ External Leading Indicators à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Coincident Indicators à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Lagging Indicators The measurement technique for the key indicators offers a technique for every also as other choices for analysis. The measurement methods for every key indicator consist of: à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ External Leading Indicators = Causal Forecasting à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Coincident Indicators = Time-Series Analysis à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Lagging Indicators = Time-Series Analysis The key indicator information and measurement methods are also depicted in Figure 4. 2. Which capacity technique would be suitable for Fitness Plus? Justify your answer. In a short time period, fitness initial has to ascertain the requirements and requirements of the possible clients, and endeavour to satisfy mismatch between those requirements and present offerings. To improve the existing dealings and accomplishment of todays requirements, directed study will probably be finalized. This will take account of: gathering real control information of equipment and rooms, bringing on innovation and ideas from operatives, market study, service plan study, effectual time table, and enhanced defensive upholding of equipment and also the service facility as a entire. 1. PROBLEM: The capacity of the fitness club, mostly within the Nautilus, cardiovascular, and aerobics fitness areas, is insufficient to meet demand. 2. RECOMMENDED Answer: Construct an extra facility. three. ANALYSIS OF Feasible SOLULTIONS: (A) Do nothing. Growth has increased the average number of members checking in at the existing fitness club to 25 members per hour in 2000. Nevertheless, complaints from members about overcrowding and unavailability of equipment could lead to dissatisfied members terminating their membership and possibly joining an additional club. If the growth continues, the number of complaints and dissatisfied members ought to improve. Do nothing isnt a great answer. (B) Extend company hours. The club is currently open 101 hours per week. Growing the number of open hours could spread out the number of clients throughout the day. Nevertheless, peak times will still exist and continue to produce complaints. Extending company hours isnt a great answer. (C) Expand the capacity of the facility. (See attached calculation sheet) The average number of members arriving per hour varies a great deal between the slow periods and peak times. The capacity cushion in 1995 was an 83%. Theres no mention of complaining throughout this time. The capacity cushion in 2000 is 72%. Present capacity measured as inputs for the Nautilus, cardiovascular, and aerobics fitness areas is 88 members per hour. To get an 83% capacity cushion like in 1995, with an average flow of 25 members per hour of year 2000, the capacity would need to be increased to 147 members per hour. Unique consideration ought to focus on the cardiovascular region where demand is over capacity at peak times. Simply because of the limited quantity of land at the present facility, expansion from 88 to 147 members per hour is most likely not feasible. (D) Build an extra facility. The resurgence of activity within the downtown region has brought increased population and new companies. Fitness club competition already exists within the downtown market. Nevertheless, members are still coming to Fitness Plus with the overcrowding and unavailability of machines with competing fitness clubs only 10-15 minutes away. Some members should prefer the services of Fitness Plus over the competition. Building an extra facility the exact same size as the present facility would double the capacity of Fitness Plus within the region. Building a new Fitness Plus club downtown will encourage a few of the present members who are closer to downtown to begin utilizing the new location. Building an extra facility will put Fitness Plus in a growing market, take a few of the strain off the present facility by growing capacity and decrease the number of dissatisfied clients. 4. ADDITIONAL CONSIDERATIONS: The perfect capacity cushion for the Fitness Plus facility with a capacity of 88 might not be 83%. The 83% capacity cushion was utilized within the calculations simply because there was no mention of member complaints in 1995. The perfect capacity cushion might be somewhere between the 83% in 1995 and also the 72% in 2000. If the perfect capacity cushion is lower than 83%, the capacity would have to be increased but not as a lot as the 147 within the calculations. Extra info would be required to discover the perfect capacity cushion. Fitness Plus requirements to produce greater value for activities and services which are not being utilized to efficient capacity. Ideas will probably be generated from the employees to make certain that theres buy-in from the top level down. Employees are dealing with clients everyday on a much more personal level. They might be able to assess what the facility is missing to satisfy a greater quantity of clients. Study will probably be carried out to make particular that changing customer requirements are identified. You will find two new competitors that have opened fitness centers within 15 minutes of Fitness Plus, and every facility caters to a various clientele. 1 caters to a young adult crowd, not allowing kids under 16 to access the facilities, and also the other concentrates on weight and cardiovascular training only. Taking this into account, Fitness Plus has the capability to satisfy extra customer requirements with the present facility offerings. Fitness Plus has a waiting line issue thats resulting in bottlenecks. The service system has multiple lines along with a mixed arrangement of facilities involving clients with individual service requirements. The present priority rule is first-come, first-served. Fitness Plus will have to calculate both the arrival and service time distributions. To complete the waiting line analysis, Fitness Plus will also have to think about: 1. Line length both in terms of customer service and capacity 2. Number of clients in system related to efficiency and capacity three. Waiting time in line such as service rate and customer perceptions 4. Total time in system which might indicate issues with service, capacity or customer themselves 5. Service facility utilization keeping in mind total facility operating costs After analyzing the information collected via the monitoring, the outcomes might foster the development of a new layout for the facility. This layout might improve the space, equipment, and peak capacity of some areas, and decrease or eliminate other people. The focus of the facility might change to satisfy much more of the present customer base and to attract new clients which are searching for services which are not accessible at the competing locations. Additionally, Fitness Plus ought to think about alternatives to customer flow, like clients being assigned a designated time to use equipment throughout peak hours. This might be handled upon registration when entering the club. Members would have opportunity to take benefit of other, less-popular areas although they wait. They would then have a ten-minute window, based on their designated time, to return to the Nautilus or cardiovascular equipment for their workout. These members would also have a set time limit for their workouts on this equipment throughout peak times only. Other opportunities might be apparent within the scheduling of employees and aerobics classes. For aerobic class scheduling, a sign-up sheet or reservation system will assist to stop customer disappointments around full classes. A reservation system is also an outstanding tracking tool to figure out what classes are the most well-liked and what times are the most sought after. For employee scheduling, staggering employee shifts ought to be evaluated. Staggering shifts of staff will assist to eliminate excess staff members working at slow times. By concentrating on peak times, the customer will have much more personal interaction and attention from the staff, possibly improving their satisfaction. Creating a normal schedule for equipment maintenance will lower repair costs for Fitness Plus, but most of all, will maximize the availability of the equipment that clients are demanding. This will also have an indirect effect in growing both customer and employee morale and satisfaction (Al-Hassan, 2000). Fitness Plus will employ benchmarking of their competitors in an effort to discover from their successes and failures. Benchmarking is moving much more towards areas that reinforce the role of the employee within the success of the business like customer service, high quality, teamwork, communication and supplier relationships (Simpson, 2000). Analysis of outcomes will probably be completed to permit for adjustments of the objectives and improvement plan. In the long-term, Fitness Plus will have to think about expansion and figure out the optimum economies of scale to spread fixed costs, decrease construction costs, and identify procedure benefits. Present facilities limit the capacity cushion. As region population grows, Fitness Plus will have to expand to improve its capacity cushion. This will permit them to effectively deal with sudden increases in demand by its members. Average utilization rates ought to be maintained at a rate somewhat much less than 100 percent to steer clear of constant operation at peak capacity. The capacity cushions, both existing and required, are measured as 100 percent minus the utilization rate as a percentage: Capacity cushion = 100% Utilization rate (%) Utilization is equal to the average output rate divided by maximum capacity: Utilization = Average output rate x 100% Maximum capacity Simply because Fitness Plus capacity demand can vary considerably, itll have to think about a larger capacity cushion-possibly as a lot as 20%to maintain satisfactory customer service levels and sustain membership sales. Choice Inputs Before making its final choice on expansion, Fitness Plus will have to undertake four actions to arrive at the correct capacity choice. These actions consist of: 1. Estimate Capacity Requirements 2. Address Projected Demand versus Present Capacity three. Identify Capacity Alternative Choices 4. Evaluate Alternatives Identified Initial, estimated capacity requirements will probably be calculated for every region as follows: Number of machines needed = [Forecast # customers/year] x Customer time per machine hrs avail from machine per yr much less desired capacity cushion Setup time isnt a main factor within the customer workout procedure, and wont have to be included within the calculation. Next, Fitness Plus will have to identify gaps between projected demand and present capacity. This will probably be evident per the outcomes of member monitoring and analysis throughout short-term improvement procedure. Those areas with bottlenecks-Nautilus, cardiovascular and aerobics-will be the primary focus since overall capacity cant be expanded unless bottleneck operation is expanded. The third step would be to take a look at alternatives and identify a number of choices. In light of the present scenario, Fitness Plus has 3 long-term alternatives: 1. No expansion of existing facilities and wait to see what the market will bear within the future prior to making a choice on expansion 2. Minor expansion of existing facilities on the limited land accessible at the present website three. Major expansion to a second facility within the downtown region The final step would be to evaluate these alternatives based on both qualitative and quantitative terms, such as capacity technique, market competition, and financial analysis with price estimates and money flows. Simply because clients are already complaining and average capacity is running well above cushion, the initial alternative-no expansion-would most likely be eliminated. Fitness Plus is beyond the wait-and-see phase. Alternate two-minor expansion of the existing facility-is extremely limited because of the lack of land at the present location. Given the steady population improve and Fitness Plus only competition in full range workout services being the YMCA, alternative three-the expansionist strategy-may be the very best option. This capacity technique will maintain Fitness Plus ahead of customer demand. This will also limit the competitions abilities of expanding by growing their risk of overburdening the market with too a lot capacity. Fitness Plus will have to act rapidly to announce its long-term expansion plans to stop giving the competition the opportunity to do the exact same. Additionally, Fitness Plus runs the risk of over expansion, ought to the population improve level off or the fitness craze decrease. Plan Evaluation Fitness Plus implemented short-term improvements will probably be readily measurable by monitoring the number of customer complaints, the continued tracking of member usage of facility services, and also the new membership campaign in January. Assuming that Fitness Plus announces its main expansion plans-the new downtown facility-January membership will also be a gauge for that technique also. Fitness Plus will have to continue to observe population growth trends and region competition as it expands into this new market. Continued analysis of market capacity will probably be needed. three. How would you link the capacity choice being made by Fitness Plus to other kinds of operating decisions? Theres a random demand for the firms capacity in every period: the demand in excess of the capacity is lost, and revenue is generated for the fulfilled demand. At the beginning of every period, the firm may improve its capacity via buying equipment for immediate delivery, which is constrained by a random supply limit, or it may sign a future contract for equipment delivery within the following period. We assume that the firms capacity may partially turn out to be obsolete because of natural deterioration or technology innovation. We aim at characterizing optimal capacity expansion methods and comparing the profit functions also as the optimal control policies of various choices. Specifically, we show that the optimal capacity expansion policy for the present period is determined by a base-stock policy. Compared with the case where no future contracts are accessible, the optimal control parameters of capacity expansion are usually smaller. We further show that when the obsolescence ra te is deterministic, the optimal policy for capacity expansion via future contracts is also a base-stock kind. The outcomes are extended to the instances with stochastically dependent capacity supply limits and stochastically dependent demand processes, which establish the robustness of the optimal policy in numerous market conditions. Investment in capacity expansion remains 1 of the most critical decisions for a manufacturing organisation with global production facilities. Multiple elements have to be considered making the choice procedure extremely complex. The study discovered that theres a substantial quantity of work on development of mathematical multi-factor models for capacity expansion. Despite that, no single work captures all of the various facets of the issue. Since the early 1960s, numerous quantitative studies of capacity expansion issues have been conducted. Manne (1961) offers the initial and simplest models of capacity expansion with deterministic demand, single facility and infinite economic life. His book (Manne, 1967a) offers a description of numerous capacity expansion issues in which optimal location for every expansion is considered explicitly (Erlenkotter, 1967; Manne, 1967b). By the early 1980s, the capacity expansion literature evolved to consist of multiple problems and think about multiple facilities within the decision-making procedure. Luss (1982) points out that the typical objective was to minimise the discounted costs associated with the expansion procedure. Porter (1980), nevertheless, argued that the capacity expansion issue isnt as easy as just carrying out such analysis based on a couple of elements. Estimating the elements that influence a capacity expansion is really a subtle issue in business. Most of the recent work within the region of capacity expansion choice processes has focused on the advancement of computational methods (Syam, 2000) to solve various aspects of the issue based on various constraints and objectives. Some work has been carried out investigating soft elements (OBrien and Smith, 1993; Meijboom and Voordijk, 2003) yet no complete procedure has been put forward. Thus the challenge would be to develop a choice procedure that will capture leading thinking within the region and to expand this to consist of soft problems in capacity expansion in global manufacturing networks. Fitness Plus, Component B, explores alternatives to expanding a new downtown facility and is included within the Instructors Manual. If youre interested in this topic, ask your instructor for a preview.

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

American Censorship of Japanese Animation Essay -- Television Media TV

American Censorship of Japanese Animation Abrstract: This essay will explore why Americans feel the need to censor Japanese Animation, how the Japanese culture differs from American culture, and how to solve the growing debate of the censorship of Japanese media.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Japan, that strange and exotic land in the east, has a complex and interesting history that has shaped and molded its culture into a very unique society today.   Of course their customs have influenced their entertainment, especially television and movies.   In a day and age where information is free to all through the internet and reliable postal systems these television shows, movies, toys, and comics have made their way all over the world.   The reception of Japanese media has had mixed reactions, both good and bad.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   America, being an amalgamation of societies and cultures, has naturally had a mixed reaction to Japanese media.   The younger generation, namely those in their twenties or younger, have embraced the bright and flashy style of Japanese animation.   The most popular shows are the ones with the most action, but shows that concentrate on character development and storyline are also popular, especially among the female population.   The older generation does not have such open minds unfortunately.   They do not seem to understand the appeal of the big eyed characters yelling nonsense at each other or the fact that all animation is not just silly kid’s stuff.   Not only that, but Japanese animation has been tagged as overly violent and obscene.   It has been accused of causing violence and disturbing young children by fundamentalist organizations.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   American television networks and video distributors also feel the need to c... ...they were truly meant to be, and parents do not have to worry about inappropriate content for their children.   With a little bit of effort the rising sun can be purified and enjoyed by all.   Works Cited Barker, Olivia.   â€Å"The Asianization of America.†Ã‚   USA Today.   March 2001: 1A-2A.     Ã‚   Infotrac.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Bryant, Anthony J. and Arsenault, Mark.   Sengoku.   Gold Rush Games 1997-1999. Clements, Jonathon and McCarthy, Helen.   The Anime Encyclopedia.   Stone Bridge    Press 2001. Lazar, Jim.   â€Å"Anime Expo Report 2000.† Retrieved December 13, 2004. Lazar, Jim.   â€Å"Sailor Moon Editing Report.† Retrieved December    18, 2004. MacKinnon, Mark C. The Sailor Moon Role-Playing Game and Resource Book.     Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Guardians of   Order 1998. Mallory, Michael.   â€Å"Kid’s Anime Hits Critical Mass.† Los Angeles Times.   Oct. 2004: 18.  Ã‚   Infotrac.